Dr.Ng Psychology Consultancy

Consultation Fees • 咨询收费


                       CLINICAL SERVICES                          临床服务    DURATION     时 间     CHARGES       收费 
Initial assessment / consultation 初次检验/咨询 90 minutes RM 500
Psychotherapy session  心理治疗 50 minutes RM 400
Extended session  延长治疗时间 per 15 minutes RM 50
Cognitive and psychological testing                  心理及智能评估
Note: A full psychological assessment includes interviews, testing, scoring, report writing, and feedback – which is standard practice among psychologists. Total assessment fee (including a comprehensive report) depends on the duration and tests used.
3-4 hours testing

Report ready in 4 weeks

4 星期后领取报告


RM3000-5000 (depending on number of tests)
Supervision session  临床督导 per 60 minutes RM 300
  • Payment is by Cash or Bank-in only, unless otherwise specified.
  • Any change or cancellation of appointments must be informed 24 hours before. Otherwise, it will considered a missed session, and will incur a full fee in the next appointment.
  • Discounted or sliding fee scale (based on household income) is available. Approval is granted on a case by case basis.  To apply, clients need to submit at least one of the following documents for consideration:
    • Most recent income tax document
    • Last 3-month pay slips or a verification letter from employer
    • Any other relevant documents for consideration (eg. OKU card, support letter from a Non-Profit/Welfare Organization etc.)


  • 诊所只接受现金或银行汇款。
  • 如欲更改或取消预约,请在24小时之前通知治疗师。任何少过24小时的通知将会被记录为失约或缺席,并将在下一次的预约时征收缺席的治疗费用。
  • 若您欲申请特别折扣收费,请呈上有关的证明文件(如:残障人士福利卡,社会福利团体的推荐信,家庭主要成员的所得税表格以及工资单)。申请结果是以个案情况为准。